PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION archivo del portal de recursos para estudiantes |
Psychology WWW Virtual Library
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Psychology of Religion Pages
[A large and well-developed site that comprises the best single electronic resource to date. Described as "for people interested in psychological aspects of religious belief and behavior." Maintained by Michael E. Nielsen, Ph.D.]
Michael Daniels Homepage (Liverpool, UK)
[Excellent links to Jungian and Transpersonal Psychology resources. Maintained by Michael Daniels of the Centre for Applied Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University.]
A Selection of Psychologists
Ernest Becker (1924-1974)
[The site for the Ernest Becker Foundation. Useful resources. Becker's homage to Friz Perls, Growing Up Rugged is available online, too.]
The Fondarosa
[Authorized mirror of a site developed by Marc Fonda that includes his contributions on Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud, and William James.]
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
[The father of Psycho-analysis.]
William James (1842-1910)
Well presented links to writings by James and commentary on James at a page maintained by Professor Frank Pajares at Emory University. Do not miss James' own essay on "the Ph.D. octopus." Locally available is The Webbing of William James, by Marc Fonda. There is also a useful paper by Jonathan Schull called William and the World Wide Web.
Carl Gustav Jung (1905-1961)
Extensive online resources include abstracts of Jung's Collected Works. Also worth noting is Marc Fonda's Notes on Jung which includes his lecture notes on Jung's Answer to Job. Responses to Jung's work are wide-ranging. See, for instance, the Archetypal Astrology pages of Michael McLay, or alternatively the pages for Jung Institutes, Guilds, or similar organizations in several of the world's major cities such as the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago and the Guild for Psychological Studies in San Francisco.
Personality and Consciousness
[The work of Adler, Freud, Jung, Kelly, Lewin, Maslow, Rogers, Skinner, and Tart (as well as Buddhists) presented via online papers, etc.]
See links to additional Notable Psychologists and also to thinkers relevant to theory and method in Religious Studies.
Specialized Research Areas and Centers
Center for the Psychology of Religion
[Research and teaching Center at at Leuven, Belgium.]
Council on Spiritual Practices
[Entheogen-oriented advocacy organization. Supports use and research into psychoactive facilitators of religious experience.]
[A few papers in German from the Sociology in Switzerland pages are relevant to study of psychology of religion, too.]
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
[Basic subscription information for the print journal as provided by the publisher. The journal is described as "Devoted to psychological studies of religious processes and phenomena in all religious traditions -- the only international publication concerned exclusively with the psychology of religion -- thisjournal provides a means for sustained discussion of psychologically relevant issues that can be examined empirically and concern religion in the most general sense. It presents articles covering a variety of important subjects such as psychoanalytic interpretations of religion; Pentecostalism, the "charismata" and conversion; and the BAV (behavior, attitude, values) model for predicting religious behavior. Each issue also includes a major essay and commentary, plus an additional article on the psychology of religion in a specific country."]
See also a longer list of Psychology Journals.
E-Mail Discussion Forums
[PSYREL-L is a list for the academic discussion of Psychology of Religion, its history, focus, cultural milieu, methods, and approaches. The emphasis of the list is academic. Input from historians, theologians and those with an interest in religion and psychology (clinical and research) is welcome.]
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